Estonia 2009 – 2016

Female Silver-washed Fritillary

Map Butterfly

Male Amanda's Blue

Female Sooty Copper

Scarce and Lesser Marbled Fritillaries

Scarce Fritillary

Poplar Admiral

Poplar Admiral

Pallas's Fritillary

Pallas's Fritillary

False Heath Fritillary

Eastern Bath White

Clouded Apollo

Yellow-legged Tortoiseshell

Yellow-legged Tortoiseshell

Small Blue

Male Silver-spotted Skipper

Male Silver-spotted Skipper

Male Scarce Copper

Male Scarce Copper

Nickerl's Fritillary

Lesser Marbled Fritillary

Lesser Marbled Fritillary

Large Blue

Grayling butterfly

Arran Brown

Male Amanda's Blue

Male Northern Chequered Skipper

Female Northern Chequered Skipper

Chestnut Heath

Male Silver-studded Blue

Female Silver-studded Blue

Heath Fritillary

Cranberry Blue

Female Cranberry Blue

Camberwell Beauty

Pair of Variable Bluets

Female Common Spreadwing

Male Black-tailed Skimmer

Female Black-tailed Skimmer

Female Baltic Hawker

Female Small Spreadwing

Male Siberian Winter Damsel

Female Robust Spreadwing

Male Bog Hawker

Male Four-spotted Chaser

Male Yellow-winged Darter

Female Yellow-winged Darter

Female Moustached Darter

Female Moustached Darter

Male Green Snaketail

Male Green Snaketail

Male Black Darter

Female Black Darter

Female Yellow-spotted Emerald

Male Spearhead Bluet

Male Small Whiteface

Female Small Whiteface

Male Dark Whiteface

Mating Black-tailed Skimmers

Burnet Moth

Viviparous Lizard

Caterpillar of Garden Tiger moth

Caterpillar of Drinker Moth

Caterpillar of Small Elephant Hawkmoth

Large Marsh Grasshopper

White-barred Clearwing

Female Wart-biter

Eurasian Bee Beetle

Longhorn beetle

Poplar Longhorn beetle

Caterpillar of Goat Moth

Garden Tiger moth

Adult Ant Lion

Male Large Gold Grasshopper

Yellow Birds-nest

Wood Cow-wheat

Wood Cow-wheat

Round-leaved Sundew leaves

Round-leaved Sundew

Oblong-leaved Sundew leaves

Oblong-leaved Sundew

Marsh Cinquefoil flower

Marsh Labrador Tea

Harestail Cotton-grass

Great Sundew

Creeping Lady's Tresses


Serrated Wintergreen

Bird's Nest Orchid

Umbellate Wintergreen

Sea Holly

One-flowered Wintergreen

Musk Orchid

Musk Orchid

Military Orchid Flowers

Green-flowered Wintergreen

White Fragrant Orchids

Field Cow-wheat

Early Marsh Orchid

Dark Red Helleborine

Burnt-tipped Orchid

Broad-leaved Helleborine

Round-leaved Wintergreen

Marsh Helleborine

Marsh Helleborine

Dragon's Teeth

Meadow Pipit

Male Grey-headed Woodpecker

Eurasian Tree Sparrow

Male Capercaillie

Juvenile Sparrowhawk

Long-tailed Tit

Female Lesser Spotted Woodpecker


Eurasian Jay

Coal Tit

Barnacle Geese in flight

White Stork

White Stork nest

European Beaver swimming

Raccoon Dog

Young male Elk

Red Deer Stag
We were introduced to Estonia by our friend Ingrid Williams, whose parents were Estonian, and she organised our first trip in July 2009 when we were also accompanied by friends Ian and Isla Woiwod. The main destinations were Lahemaa National Park on the north coast, Matsalu National Park on the west coast and the island of Saaremaa. Ingrid also introduced us to Marika Mann who had founded and ran a wildlife travel company called Estonian Nature Tours. Between August 2011 and September 2016 we did five trips to Estonia with Marika’s company, visiting most of the country.