Argentina 2013

Yellow-bellied Elaenia

Black Jacobin

White-eyed Foliage-gleaner

Male Violaceous Euphonia

Southern Lapwing

Social Flycatcher

Sayaca Tanager

Portrait of Plush-crested Jay

Plush-crested Jay

Plush-crested Jay

Piratic Flycatcher

Blue-winged Parrotlet

Male Blond-crested Woodpecker

Black-fronted Piping Guan

Male Violet-capped Woodnymph

Swallow-tailed Hummingbird

Gilded Sapphire

Male Black-throated Mango

Glittering Sapphire

Straight-line Suphur

Straight-line and Tailed Sulphurs

Sulphur butterflies puddling

Common Green-eyed and Florida Whites

Common Mimic White

Lysithous Swallowtail

Kite Swallowtail

Broad-banded Swallowtail

Male Androgeus Swallowtails

Red Peacock

Orange Mapwing

Orange Mapwing

Velica Crescent

Velica Crescent

Ithra Crescent

Dicoma Crescent

Apricot Crescent

Thessalia Sister

Thessalia Sister

Pink-banded Sister

Abia Sister

Abia Sister

Lenea Clearwing

Juno Longwing

Julia Butterfly

Southern Monarch

Tithia Sailor

Tithia Sailor

Pyrame Beauty

Orange Banner

Little Callicore

Little Callicore

Grey Cracker

Clymena 88

Candrena 88

Candrena 88

Male Turquoise Emperor

Male Agathina Emperor

Male Agathina Emperor

Southern Sicklewing Skipper

Dorantes Long-tail

Stingless Bee nest entrance

Grasshopper nymphs

Hairy Caterpillar

Western Collared Spiny Lizard

Black Capuchin Monkey

Brazilian Guinea Pig

Portrait of female Red Brocket Deer
At the end of a two week trip in Brazil, Julia and I added a three day extension to the N.E. corner of Argentina, principally to experience the amazing butterfly diversity around the famous Iguazu Falls, which lies on the border where Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay meet. Xavier Munoz of the Ecuadorian company ‘Neblina Forest’, who had been our guide in Brazil, had arranged for a young female Argentinian guide called Paula to meet us at the border and take us to Puerto Iguazu on the Argentinian side. In the next couple of days we visited Iguazu National Park, including the impressive waterfall, and Uragui Provincial Park. On the first afternoon we spent a productive couple of hours in a private garden dedicated to hummingbirds called Jardin de los Picaflores, set up by an enterprising lady called Mrs Costello in the town of Puerto Iguazu.