Lilac Tip
Narra Toktokkie Beetle
Flying Saucer Beetle
Dotted Blue
Darkling Beetle
Brown-veined White
Bright Babul Blue
Blister Beetle
Banded Gold Tip
Capitulum Weevil
Robber Fly with prey
Mammoth Wasp
Mating Lucerne Longhorn beetles
Longhorn Beetle
Pyralid moth
Spurge Hawkmoth caterpillar
Pease Blossom moth
Pale Shoulder
Dusky-brown Wave
Common Pink-barred
Female White-tailed Skimmer
Female Southern Darter
Male Dark Spreadwing
Common Bluetail Damselfly
Male Broad Scarlet Dragonfly
Swallowtail butterfly
Female Small White
Male Silver-studded Blue
Niobe Fritillary
Lesser Spotted Fritillary
Male Large Copper
Female Large Copper
Male Green-underside Blue
Cardinal Butterfly
Cardinal butterfly
Balkan Green-veined White
Male Adonis Blue
Female Adonis Blue
Himalayan Giant Honeybee
Firefly Beetle
Male Ditch Jewel
Day flying moth
Male Yellow Orange Tips
Male Yellow Orange Tip
White Punch butterfly
White Dragontail
Watson's Bushbrown
Spotted Demon butterfly
Southern Sullied Sailer
Small Staff Sergeant butterfly
Slate Awl Skipper
Purple Sapphire butterfly
Punchinello butterfly
Powdered Baron butterfly
Paris Peacock butterfly
Orchid Tit butterfly
One-spot Grass Yellow
Female Indian Cabbage White
Dark Palm Dart Skipper
Common Spotted Flat
Common Five-ring
Common Crow butterfly
Common Ciliate Blue
Common Castor
Autumn Leaf butterfly
Asian Green-veined White
Tortoise Bug
Grecian Streamertail Lacewing
Fasciated Conehead Mantis
Sand Wasp
Checkered Beetle
Longhorn beetles mating
Jewel Beetle
Mullein Longhorn Beetle
Transparent Burnet
Caterpillars of Spurge Hawkmoth
Caterpillar of Spurge Hawkmoth
Male Mistletoe Clearwing
Female Mistletoe Clearwing
Crepuscular Burnet
Clearwing Moth
Female Speckled Bush-cricket
Serville's Long-legged Bush-cricket
Parnassos Stone Grasshopper
Maroccan Locust
Greek Predatory Bush-cricket
Female Greek Marbled Bush-cricket
Desert Locust
Blue-winged Grasshopper
Nymph of Barbarian Grasshopper
Male Small Pincertail
Two-tailed Pasha
White-letter Hairstreak
Wall Brown
Male Turquoise Blue
Caterpillar of Swallowtail butterfly
Southern Comma
Male Sooty Copper
Small White
Female Silver-studded Blue
Pygmy Skipper
Persian Skipper
Male Odd-spot Blue
Male Meleager's Blue
Male Mazarine Blue
Long-tailed Blue
Female Lesser Fiery Copper
Lang's Short-tailed Blue
Ilex Hairstreak
Female Holly Blue
Female Grecian Copper
Grecian Anomalous Blue
Great Banded Grayling
Grass Jewel
Freyer's Grayling
Male Escher's Blue
Male Eastern Baton Blue
Eastern Bath White
Clouded Apollo
Male Cleopatra
Male Chapman's Blue
Male Blue Argus
Black-veined White
Male Balkan Zephyr Blue
Blue Spot Hairstreak
Male Balkan Marbled White
Female Balkan Marbled White
Balkan Marbled White
Balkan Grayling
Anomolous Blue
Assassin Bug
Broad-handed Carpenter Bee
Stick Insect
Sal Borer beetle
Golden-spotted Tiger Beetle
False Tiger Moth
Durian Hawkmoth
Male Yellow-striped Flutterer
Male Oriental Blue Dasher
Male Common Parasol
Male Common Flangetail
Male Brown-backed Red Marsh Hawk dragonfly
Male Blue Marsh Hawk dragonfly
Male Asian Sapphire Flutterer
Yellow-banded Awl
Tawny Bushbrown
Male Striped Blue Crow
Smooth-eyed Bushbrown
Short-banded Viscount
Rustic butterfly
Psyche butterfly
Orange Gull butterfly
Orange Albatross butterfly
Malayan Lacewing butterfly
Magpie Crow butterfly
Lesser Grass Blue
Lesser Dart butterfly
Grey Pansy
Common Three-ring
Common Grass Yellow
Common Bluebottle
Female Common Albatross butterfly
Colonel Butterfly
Clipper Butterfly
Blue Glassy Tiger
Banded Swallowtail
Pleasing Fungus Beetle
Male Flame-tailed Pondhawk
Male Carmine Skimmer
Royal Firetip
Plain Longtail Skipper
Marbled Grass Skipper
Immaculate Skipper
Golden-snouted Scallopwing
Florida White
Dorantes Longtail Skipper
Death-mask Spurwing
Male Clouded Morpho
Cattleheart White
Broken Silverdrop Skipper
Female Apricot Sulphur
Western Blotched Leopard butterfly
Purple-brown Hairstreak buttefly
Pale Babul Blue butterfly
Immature male Julia Skimmer dragonfly
Jodutta Acraea butterfly
Forest Leopard Butterfly
Falls Acraea
Elegant Acraea
Diverse White
Black and White Carpenter Bee
Adult Cicada
Chafer Beetle
Male Southern Skimmer
Female Black Pennant
Lesser Emperor
Mating pair of Common Bluetails
Small Grass Emerald
Transparent Burnet Moth
Mating pair of Narrow-bordered Five-spot Burnet Moths
Mating pair of Slender Burnet Moths
Male Dark-veined White
Female Dark-veined White
Woodland Ringlet
Dewy Ringlet
Female Wall Brown
Speckled Wood
Small Heath
Chestnut Heath mating pair
Either Woodland or Eastern Rock Grayling
Map Butterfly
Twin-spot Fritillary
Male Silver-washed Fritillary
Heath Fritillary
Little Tiger Blue
Female Mazarine Blue
Small Blue
Brown Argus
Blue Argus
Large Grizzled Skipper
Essex Skipper
Male Greater Crimson Glider
Male Blue Dasher
Young male Asiatic Blood Tail
Perak Lascar
Common Baron
Branded Imperial
Banded Demon
Female Silver-washed Fritillary
Male Amanda's Blue
Female Sooty Copper
Scarce and Lesser Marbled Fritillaries
Scarce Fritillary
Poplar Admiral
Pallas's Fritillary
False Heath Fritillary
Yellow-legged Tortoiseshell
Male Silver-spotted Skipper
Male Scarce Copper
Nickerl's Fritillary
Lesser Marbled Fritillary
Large Blue
Grayling butterfly
Arran Brown
Male Northern Chequered Skipper
Female Northern Chequered Skipper
Chestnut Heath
Cranberry Blue
Female Cranberry Blue
Camberwell Beauty
Burnet Moth
Caterpillar of Garden Tiger moth
Caterpillar of Drinker Moth
Caterpillar of Small Elephant Hawkmoth
Large Marsh Grasshopper
White-barred Clearwing
Female Wart-biter
Eurasian Bee Beetle
Longhorn beetle
Poplar Longhorn beetle
Caterpillar of Goat Moth
Garden Tiger moth
Adult Ant Lion
Male Large Gold Grasshopper
Pair of Variable Bluets
Female Common Spreadwing
Male Black-tailed Skimmer
Female Black-tailed Skimmer
Female Baltic Hawker
Female Small Spreadwing
Male Siberian Winter Damsel
Female Robust Spreadwing
Male Bog Hawker
Male Four-spotted Chaser
Male Yellow-winged Darter
Female Yellow-winged Darter
Female Moustached Darter
Male Green Snaketail
Male Black Darter
Female Black Darter
Female Yellow-spotted Emerald
Male Spearhead Bluet
Male Small Whiteface
Female Small Whiteface
Male Dark Whiteface
Mating Black-tailed Skimmers
Potter Wasp
Tiger Beetle
Male Variegated Flutterer
Female Variegated Flutterer
Male Blue-tailed Forest Hawk
Male Spine-tufted Skimmer
Male Keyhole Glider
Male Pink Skimmer
Male Pied Parasol
Male Oriental Scarlet
Male Indigo Dropwing
Slender Skimmer
Male Foggy-winged Twister
Dancing Dropwing
Male Crimson Dropwing
Female Crimson Dropwing
Male Blue Pursuer
Female Blue Ground Skimmer
Female Asian Pintail
Female Ditch Jewel
Female Pale-spotted Emperor
Small Salmon Arab
White Orange Tip
Female Striped Albatross
Female Mottled Emigrant
Common Jezebel
Common Gull Butterfly
Common Albatross Butterfly
Tailed Jay
White Four-ring
Glad-eye Bushbrown
Common Bushbrown
Sri Lankan Treebrown
Peacock Pansy
Lemon Pansy
Common Sailer
Sri Lankan Tree Nymph
Plain Tiger
Dark Blue Tigers
Dark Blue Tiger
Blue Tiger
Gram Blue
Common Hedge Blue
Mating pair of Lesser Grass Blues
Male Indian Cupid
Common Lineblue
Common Pierrot
Common Shot Silverline
Angled Pierrot
Tree Flitter
Indian Skipper
Common Grass Dart
Unidentified moth
Lasiocampid Moth
Erebid moth
Verdant Hawkmoth
Female Common Emperor
Male Comet Moth
Male Madagascar Jungle Skimmer
Madagascan Caterpillar
Caper White butterfly
Salamis anteva
Female Acraea sambavae
Male Brilliant Blue
Male Giraffe-necked Weevil
Pair of Giraffe-necked Weevils
Stingless Bee nest entrance
Grasshopper nymphs
Hairy Caterpillar
Glittering Sapphire
Straight-line Suphur
Straight-line and Tailed Sulphurs
Sulphur butterflies puddling
Common Green-eyed and Florida Whites
Common Mimic White
Lysithous Swallowtail
Kite Swallowtail
Broad-banded Swallowtail
Male Androgeus Swallowtails
Red Peacock
Orange Mapwing
Velica Crescent
Ithra Crescent
Dicoma Crescent
Apricot Crescent
Thessalia Sister
Pink-banded Sister
Abia Sister
Lenea Clearwing
Juno Longwing
Julia Butterfly
Southern Monarch
Tithia Sailor
Pyrame Beauty
Orange Banner
Little Callicore
Grey Cracker
Clymena 88
Candrena 88
Male Turquoise Emperor
Male Agathina Emperor
Southern Sicklewing Skipper
Dorantes Long-tail
Pittheus Metalmark
King Swallowtail
Asius Swallowtail
White Peacock
Cuban Crescent
Crescent Butterfly
Ringless Bentwing Skipper
Warrior Wasp nest
Wild Honey Bee nest
Male Common Mormon
Common Evening Brown
Striped Tiger
Caterpillar of Oleander Hawkmoth
Indian Cabbage White
Rock Grayling
Grayling Butterfly
Marbled White
Berger's Clouded Yellow
Cryptic Wood Whites
Cryptic Wood White
Lesser Purple Emperor
Common Glider
Silver-washed Fritillary
Weaver's Fritillary
Marbled Fritillary
Assmann's Fritillary
Mating Spotted Fritillarys
Spotted Fritillary
Male Purple-edged Copper
Female Chequered Blue
Chequered Blue
Female Meleager's Blue
Geranium Argus
Common Swallowtail
Safflower Skipper
Large Chequered Skipper
Oberthur's Grizzled Skipper
Mallow Skipper
Grizzled Skipper
European Praying Mantis
Mediterranean Spotted Chafers
Female Stag Beetle
Caterpillar of Bedstraw Hawkmoth
Female Roesel's Bush-cricket
Male Large Saw-tailed Bush-cricket
Female Great Green Bush-cricket
Female Migrant Spreadwing
Old female Broad-bodied Chaser
Female Common Darter
Male Beautiful Demoiselle
Crepuscular Burnet Moth
Crepuscular Burnet Moths
Five-spot Burnet Moth
Mating pair of Nine-spotted Moths
Hummingbird Hawkmoth feeding
Hummingbird Hawkmoth
Cuban Calisto
Tropical Buckeye
Zebra Longwing
White-angled Sulphur
Male Orange-barred Sulphur
Orange-barred Sulphur
Dina Yellow
Barred Yellow
Nickerbean Blue
Martial Scrub Hairstreak
Mallow Scrub Hairstreak
Hanno Blue
Disguised Scrub Hairstreak
Cassius Blue
Atala Butterfly
Three-spotted Skipper
Monk Skipper
Long-tailed Skipper
Fiery Skipper
Dorantes Longtail
Cuban Flasher
Female Oriental Scarlet
Female Roseatte Skimmer
Male Seaside Dragonlet
Male Metallic Pennant
Male Great Pondhawk
Female Band-winged Dragonlet
Praying Mantis eating butterfly
Male Lucia Widow
Female Lucia Widow
Bold Skimmer
Male Giant Skimmer
Male Western Bluewing
Ghanaian Tortoise Beetle
Ghanaian Longhorn Beetle
Ghanaian Tiger Beetle
Round-winged Orange Tip
Forest Caper White
Calypso Caper White
African Wood White
Citrus Swallowtail
Male Broad-banded Green Swallowtail
Light Bush Brown
Common Savanna Bush Brown
Little Commodore
Forest Mother-of-Pearl
Fashion Commodore
Dark Blue Pansy
Blue Diadem
Female Western Fantasia
Male Jodutta Glider
Gambia Nymph
Male Forest Glade Nymph
Dark Palm Forester
Male Common Yellow Glider
Ceres Forester
Angular Glider
Leptotes Blue
Smoky Bean Cupid
Purple-brown Hairstreak
Pale Babul Blue
Common Ginger White
Common False Head
Common Fairy Hairstreak
Spotted Ciliate Blue
Male Spotted Ciliate Blue
African Giant Skipper
Savanna Pathfinder Skipper
Common Pathfinder Skipper
Adult Mantis Fly grooming
Adult Mantis Fly
European Paper Wasp nest
Large Cuckoo Wasp
Female Common Darter dragonfly
Small Elephant Hawkmoth
Slender Burnet moth
Reticent Burnet Moth
Merry Burnet moth
Large Banded Grasshopper
Sharp-tailed Grasshopper
French Stone Grasshopper
Female Small Alpine Bush-cricket
Woodland Grayling
Male Great Sooty Satyr
Common Brassy Ringlet
Marbled White and Pearly Heath
Knapweed Fritillary
Male High Brown Fritillary
Northern Brown Argus
Female Large Blue
Baton Blue
Large Skipper
Essex Skipper Butterfly
Chocolate Pansy
Common Crow
Common Rose
Blue Mormon
Waiter Daggerwing
Tanna Longtail Skipper
Smooth-banded Sister
Separata Stripestreak
Scarlet Peacock
Rusty-tipped Page
Ruby-patched Swallowtail
Female Red-banded Altinote
Red Postman
Red Cracker
Polydamas Swallowtail
Plain Longtail
Pink-bodied Altinote
Pelinna Satyr
Actinote butterfly
Pavoni's Clearwing
Pansy Daggerwing
Illioneus Giant Owl
Orange-spot Duke
Numata Longwing
Mylotes Cattleheart
Minthe Firetip Skipper
Medora Mimic White
Satyr Butterfly
Jesia Ringlet
Lagusa Clearwing
Helena White
Gaudy Altinote
Firetip Skipper
Clio Crescent
False Zebra Longwing
Banded Mapwing
Ghost White
Male Cyan Emperor
Cramer's Eighty-eight
Clearwing Butterfly
Skipper Butterfly
Blushing Phantom
Blue-and-Orange Eighty-eight
Anna's Eighty-eight
Andean Silverspot
Ziba Scrub Hairstreak
Togarna Hairstreak
Tanna Longtail
Tropical Yellow
Pale-banded Crescent
Isabella's Longwing
Golden Dartwhite
Fine-lined Stripestreak
Mating Disturbed Tigerwing
Dappled Daggerwing
Common Blue Morpho
Female Cloudless Sulphur on hibiscus flower
Ceraunus Blue
Hermes Satyr
Brazilian Owl
Banded Peacock
Wasp nest in tree
Nymph of Lubber Grasshopper
Helicopter Damselfly
Headlight Click Beetle
Spiny Caterpillar
Metalmark butterfly
Round-winged Orange Tip butterfly
Male Large Orange Tip
False Dotted Border
African Veined White
Dentate Bush Brown
Silver Ringlet
Mocker Swallowtail
Central Emperor Swallowtail
Soldier Pansy
Golden Pansy
Blue Mother-of-Pearl
Savanna Sailer
Guineafowl Butterfly
Blue-banded Forester
Blue Sailer
Forest Leopard
African Mapwing
African Mapwing butterfly
Spotted Ciliate Blue puddling
Natal Babul Blue
Common Zebra Blue
African Grass Blue on flower
Savanna Elf
Flats Skipper
An 'Elf' Skipper
Scoliid Wasp
Sand Wasp digging
A Green Cicada
Spiny black weevil
Male Fiery Skimmer
Swamp Tiger
Scrub Darter
Scrub Darter feeding
Owl butterfly
Owl butterfly on dead leaf
Pearl Owl
Orchard Swallowtail feeding
Orange Bush Brown
New Guinea Clipper
Female Meadow Argus
Indian Fritillary feeding
Euchenor Swallowtail feeding
Dingy Ring
Common Grass Blue
Male Ambrax Swallowtail
Female Littoral Dark Bush-cricket
Male Littoral Dark Bush-cricket
Male Field Cricket
Egyptian Locust
Broad Green-winged Grasshopper
Southern White Admiral
Glanville Fritillary
Queen of Spain Fritillary
Eastern Knapweed Fritillary
Chequered Blue nectaring
Eastern Baton Blue
Hungarian Skipper
Armoured Ground Cricket
Speckled Sulphur Tip butterfly
Meadow White butterfly
Brown-veined White butterfly